Sunday, February 14, 2010

Writing every day

I'm taking a class with creativity guru Eric Maisel on creativity coaching. As part of our class, we each commit to a project of our own that will stretch our creativity. My project is to blog every day on my two blogs, The Writing Wheel and Sober Truths, and to learn more about blogging both as a creative medium and as a promotional medium for me and for my creative clients.

Writing every day is something I've been doing for a long time. I started journaling in earnest a few years into sobriety as I tried to make sense of my old life and make sense of all the changes that were happening to me. I still journal each morning, mostly in the Julia Cameron "Morning Pages" vein--three pages of what happened the day before and how I'm feeling and what's up with me. Cameron calls it a form of active meditation and I think of it that way, a kind of clearing of my mind and heart for the next day. On the rare occasions that I don't get to journal, I feel crankier, out of sorts, so it's become an important practice for me.

Then for 20 months in 2003-2004, I wrote a 10-minute story every day. Mostly I wrote in the morning but sometimes late at night, I'd remember I hadn't done it and I was keen on keeping up the momentum. I've gotten a lot of stories out of those 600 writings and the starts of both the novel I finished in November and the one I'm writing now.

Blogging is a bit different. It's an essay on a topic, or it's a personal exploration, or it's a journal entry to friends and strangers alike. It can be a private record or a public statement. I'm excited to see what happens to my writing now that I'm blogging every day.

1 comment:

  1. I've been blogging for awhile now, not every day, but even what I do has enhanced my writing. Early on, I let go of my own judgments of blogging vs "real" writing, and now it is a regular and important part of my creative process. Thanks for sharing your experience.
